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I am NOT a fan of McDonalds. (I do love their fries, though.) I went as long as humanly possible to avoid exposing my children to their addictive happy meals. But I've found something I LOVE there:

The Asian Grilled Chicken Salad

I ate all of it. I devoured it. I went on and on while I ate it that I couldn't believe how GOOD it was.

I can't wait to eat it tomorrow. :)


Oh, that is a great salad! And I think it's only 6 points on weight watchers or something like that.

November 16, 2007 at 9:42 PM  

Okay, I've never tried it but maybe I will. I do love Chik fil A's chicken strip salad--yum!

November 26, 2007 at 8:43 AM  

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