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OK. I've got way too much weight from this last baby. Sure, she's beautiful and worth the extra twenty pounds...but I've never been this big in all my life. The hubby's been running and bought Galloway's Book of Running, which is suppose to be the definitive guide to running. He says you've got to get to the point where you can run for 30 minutes with no problem. I can do that, but I have to admit, I'm afraid if I run----well, that it will HURT. And I don't like pain. But I do like to be thin...OK. I'd better get my sorry self up to the Rec Center before they close. Wish me luck, girls.


i wasn't sure if i should leave a comment to your comment on my blog or just to comment on yours (let me know what you prefer) but i wanted to comment on running. i have to be honest - i DO NOT enjoy running!!!! as a matter of fact, i was never athletic by any standard. however, running does one thing for me - it gives me a platform to talk about Jesus. it's a serious high and i love it! i've met awesome people in the running club and when you go out there to run with people you're with them at least 45 minutes -- so we just talk... about everything! i started out after my daughter was born to get rid of the preg. weight. i ran a 1/2 marathon and then decided running wasn't for me and took 6 months off. well, then not only did i have pregnancy weight, but i also had holiday weight. that was enough motivation for me (and unfortunately for me, i'm not naturally skinny). so, it was the treadmill. the first several months are the hardest and i commend people who start. when i first started, running a mile was rough and i ran/walked. i'm a goal person, so i went to hal higdon's website and got the 1/2 marathon training schedule for novices. so this is my long way of saying three pieces of advice: 1. sign up for a race and tell EVERYBODY! the accountability helps because they'll ask you how you're doing and how the race went. they have lots of smaller races if you don't want to do a 1/2 marathon. 2. get a training schedule (ie. hal higdon's. i also like the book: a competitive's guide to running. and 3. sign up for a running club. i learned i'm a social runner and it helps the time go by.

good luck and tell me how it goes!! (sorry this was so long)

March 26, 2007 at 4:07 PM  

oops, i goofed - it's the competitive runner's handbook by Bob glover:

March 27, 2007 at 7:03 AM  

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