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Here's Where I Fit

As always, dear Karen articulates this morning what I long for my homeschooling to be. If you're a homeschooler or thinking about it, please go over and read her definition of a "relationship homeschooler". My prayer daily is that I would love my children and my husband as Jesus does, to see them as precious in his sight, and my work around here, which so often frustrates me in its mundaneness, would be for his service.

So I'm taking Karen's wonderful thoughts on what this means and what it looks like as my own. I know I'm a miserable failure on so many levels, but in her Titus 2 way, Karen gives me hope.

Here's the link.


Thanks for the link!

I was a relationship homeschooler as well! We just graduated our youngest!!

June 4, 2008 at 10:02 AM  

How sad it is that there are lines being drawn in the sand between Christians!...but that is a whole different topic.
I don't care for labels but I too am a "relationship homeschooler". When God calls us to do something as individuals it doesn't mean it will always look the same in every family.
We just saw Prince Caspian last night and there was a line that Aslan said that really resonated with me. Essentially he said, "Things don't happen the same way twice."
God doesn't use a cookie cutter.

June 6, 2008 at 8:15 AM  

so true!!!

June 6, 2008 at 11:24 AM  

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