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Mom's Minivan!

I was searching for some ideas for our upcoming almost cross-country trip and I found the most fantastic website:

It's full of fun games for all ages of kiddos (even babies and toddlers), snack ideas, and general travel trips.

Even though I've taken many road trips with my kids, I still saw some ideas that made me go "DUH! Why didn't I think of that?" (like covering the seats with old sheets so it's easier to clean up crumbs and packing homemade snacks in ziplock bags instead of dumping money at the gas station for snacks)

So happy clicking!


When our boys were young we used a long thick towel on the back seat, and kept it there for everyday use as well. The towel soaks up minor spills, doesn't bunch up as much as a sheet and is easy to shake out crumbs and replace.

June 24, 2008 at 7:13 AM  

Ooh, I missed the covering the seats with an old sheet tip. I wish I had seen this because my daughter left a crayon on her seat and it melted in the heat. :(

June 24, 2008 at 2:06 PM  

Cool, I'm going to go check this out. Thanks for the tip! I've enjoyed looking around here.

July 14, 2008 at 10:44 PM  

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